Fort Wayne's Community Plan
to Prevent and End Homelessness


To prevent homelessness by connecting residents to supportive services and swiftly and equitably house everyone experiencing homelessness.

Find a Cooling Station

Click here for a list of cooling stations in Fort Wayne.

For more videos, check out the full Everyone Home Video Library here.


increase safe and affordable housing for all Fort Wayne residents
Increase Safe & Affordable Housing for All Fort Wayne Residents

Fort Wayne has a severe shortage of affordable housing. Affordable housing is the most effective solution for ending homelessness by allowing families to focus on maintaining their wellbeing.

expand access to homeless emergency response services
Expand Access to Homeless Emergency Response Services

No one agency alone can end homelessness. Improving collaboration, coordination, and leveraging investments across the many systems can help the community more effectively address homelessness.

Partner across Fort Wayne to build collective solutions
Partner Across Fort Wayne to Build Collective Solutions

Within Fort Wayne, there are populations at risk of or experiencing homelessness who require special attention. By understanding their unique needs and directing services that allow professionals to tailor their care, the community can ensure that the system is accessible to the most vulnerable.

Prevent Homelessness Before it Begins
Prevent Homelessness Before It Begins

Many families are just one paycheck or financial crisis away from losing their housing. Often it only requires a small intervention to prevent families from becoming homeless. Supporting families through financial resources is the most cost effective way to prevent homelessness.

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