Current System of Care

Temporary Housing
Projects in Fort Wayne target a variety of populations and offer emergency shelter and transitional housing for men, women, veterans, women with children, and families. A seasonal winter contingency project offers overnight warming shelters to women through various community locations. Currently very limited services and no shelter/day-center or long-term housing exist for youth. (includes Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing)

Emergency Shelter
Emergency Shelter is a facility that offers overnight sleeping accommodations, the primary purpose of which is to provide temporary shelter for people experiencing homelessness in general or for specific populations of the homeless community.

Transitional Housing
Transitional housing provides temporary housing accommodations and supportive services to people without permanent housing options.

Permanent Housing
Permanent Supportive Housing provides homes and services for people in need of long-term support. (includes Permanent Supportive and Rapid Rehousing Housing)

Rapid Rehousing Housing
The Rapid Rehousing program provides subsidized permanent housing with supportive services for up to 24 months, with the hope that individuals and families in the program will be able to stabilize enough to be able to stay in their homes at the end of the time period when the subsidy has ended.
Supportive Services
Homeless-specific services
Supportive services are an essential part of any homeless system of care. They include case management, life skills training, job placement and employment opportunities, mental health and substance use treatment services.
Prevention Services
Effective homelessness prevention requires proactive identification, engagement, and investment in communities most at risk of entering the homeless system of care.
Mainstream services including health, mental health, and employment services
Those experiencing homelessness in the City of Fort Wayne are connected to various mainstream services and benefits available to support their health, mental health, economic, and employment related needs via City and County departments and with the assistance of a network of service providers.
Strengths of Fort Wayne’s Homeless System of Care
There are many strengths in the City of Fort Wayne’s homeless system of care:
- 1.An engaged, collaborative group of stakeholders
- 2.An active local Planning Council made up of housing and shelter providers
- 3.A strong network of providers who offer emergency shelter and transitional housing, permanent supportive housing opportunities, rapid rehousing, and other support services